Friday, 24 June 2016

10 weeks!

It's so hard to believe as I write this that I am 10w2d and everything is looking good. I still can't get my head around it, but then, I am not really trying to. It's easier to keep it in the background, rather than focus on it too much. Even that is easier said than done.

I have just had the results of my weekly progesterone and hcg test. My progesterone has risen to 32.5 (104 in the 'old' scale) which, finally, is the over 30 I was expecting to see all along. I have had to double my dose though, so I am now on 400mg twice a day. At the moment I am using two 200mg pessaries morning and night, which is incredibly uncomfortable but at $17 a day I don't want them to go to waste!

My hcg was 108,000 last week and 99,000 this week. It is normal for it to drop starting now and my GP was happy that this was just a small drop and nothing to worry about, she'd only worry if it was down by half. She also doesn't want me to have it tested next week (it was the specialist who suggested it) and I agree. At this point, it isn't telling us much about baby so I don't need the extra numbers to stress about! I have already spent the morning thinking that maybe baby died in the past day or two and it has only just started dropping and that's why it wasn't half yet... PAL is so full of anxiety!


We still haven't told anyone about this baby except for one or two close friends and I almost feel like the longer this pregnancy continues the harder it gets. For example, I was considering telling my parents if today's results came back ok. Now I am thinking that I should wait until after our scan next week in case anything happens in the meantime. But then we are having the Harmony test done the same day and I know I will want to wait until after that comes back... It just goes on.

I know when it does come to telling that there will be so much angst, and I am having a hard enough time coping on my own, let alone dealing with all of that. After the "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" will come the, "Are you eating/drinking/resting enough?" and the constant checking up. Worse than that will be the platitudes that things will be different this time, or I just have to keep positive and so on. I know that I wont be able to respond to those sorts of comments lightly, because NO ONE knows how things will turn out this time and telling me YOU think it will is really no help at all.

I suppose the biggest problem is that I know the kind of support I need, and I know it is not the kind they can give. I need low key, check in every now and then, how are you going in general kind of support, not obsessive calling or messaging every day, questioning every appointment and decision and wanting to be around me all the time. We don't have that type of relationship normally and it frustrates me when they expect that to change all of a sudden. 

I also guess it is a lot to do with the lack of support in our losses. I know everyone thinks they are doing the right thing, or doing their best, but again, they're not listening to what WE need. For example, I repeatedly said after our most recent loss that I wasn't going to be calling people, but if they wanted to talk to us, call me and I would answer if I could. Pretty clear I would have thought. Yet my mum has only called once in the last month, and that was to tell me about something that had happened to someone else. Still, every time I see my grandmother she asks me if I have called my mum yet...

Next week is full of baby related appointments. GP on Wednesday for more progesterone, weekly blood test on Thursday and harmony test on Friday. They give us a quick scan before, just to make sure baby is ok before we pay for the test! If I can make it to Friday I might be able to breathe a little easier.


  1. Kristy - babybj25 June 2016 at 08:33

    I'm so hopeful that this is your rainbow baby Bron!!! I spent my whole pregnancy anxious about bubs, scans every two weeks till 17weeks then once a month till 32weeks, i had the exact same thought as you, "What if something had happened after that scan"! And my family didn't seem to feel bubs was really coning until we found out it was a boy for sure at 20weeks. I hope time flies for you! If you don't wanna tell anyone yet then don't, it isn't their right to know :) i know some people that waited till 20weeks to tell anyone - though really depends on if you can get away with your belly as it gets bigger. Btw are you going to find out bubs sex at the harmony test?

    1. Thanks Kristy, we are too! I could probably get away with not telling anyone at all, my family all live far away and hubby's family are in the UK, but I do see my nan once a week so it'll only be a matter of time!

      We did decide to find out the sex at the harmony test, so that when we do tell people we can tell the sex as well. We're hoping that will make baby seem a little more real to them. Hubby wants me to know, but he's not 100% sure if he wants to know! He's really concerned about getting too attached, which I totally understand. We have the test on Friday and the 12 week scan 2 weeks after (at 13 weeks), so should have the results by then and might decide to tell, depending on results... decisions!
