Yes, today I have decided that I really want a baby. In
fact, I’d quite like one right now. I can imagine the holding, the feeding, the
singing, the reading, the playing... the cleaning, the lack of sleep and all
the rest. I also know that this is the third or fourth time in the last few
weeks that I have changed my mind! I don’t want this decision to be based on
circumstance, or even taken away from us by biology. Most of the time, my
thinking goes like this:
I should
have a baby now because...
I am getting older and the chance of
complications is increasing
I don’t want to be too old to play with my kids
I am ‘ready’ to be a mum (whatever that means!)
I want someone to read to, play with, nurture
and teach
I love my husband and want to have his child
But then
there are reasons I feel I should either wait, or reconsider all together:
I am the higher wage earner and hubby is NOT
stay at home dad material
We would like to have our own house first and
that is still about 12 months away
We have a few issues in our relationship that I
think we should sort out first
There are some habits (such as smoking) that I
don’t want hubs to pass on to a child
Hubby’s concerns about raising a family are
based on his own experience, I feel like I would have to teach him how to be a
dad as well as learn how to be a mum
Due to the higher risk of complications at my
age, is it worth taking the risk
How would I cope if something did go wrong
It’s enough to drive a person crazy!
Our current ‘plan’ is to get a house first, then reassess
the situation. That means in theory I
have about 12 months from now. I have a contraceptive implant due to come out
mid 2015 that is the final deadline we have set ourselves. At that stage, I
will be 37, closer to 38, and that’s before we even start trying.
On the other hand, conversation lately has been about me
having the implant taken out this May. This
is why we have scheduled our pre-conception appointment for this Friday, just
to find out exactly what we might be getting ourselves in for. It also means we
have a few months to sort things out such as diet and vitamins, and hopefully
having hubby stop smoking.
If it takes us a while to conceive, as is more likely at my
age, then we still may have the house first. Alternatively, I could fall
pregnant right away. Then what? It’s just another thing to add to the growing
list of great unknowns regarding pregnancy and children.
How did you decide that they time was right to start trying
to conceive? Do you wish you had started earlier or later?
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