Friday, 27 June 2014

Superstition, predictions, horoscopes and more!

I really wasn't feeling up to posting anything this cycle, besides the stress from work at this time of year, family issues and more, our TTC journey hit another bump.

As a combination of all those factors, we only managed to dtd once during 'Baby Week' the day before I think I was due to O. I was just about ready to count myself out for this cycle, hubby just wasn't interested, and then out of nowhere...

So I was at school thinking about how that might change our chances for this month, would it change if I o'd later than I thought, etc. I was on duty at lunch time when one of my students rushed up to me, threw his arms around my tummy and shouted "Mrs Williams is pregnant!" I think he was just referring to the fact that he was hanging on to the front of my like a baby - but he has been known to say strangely accurate things in the past! He also asked me a couple of months ago if I had any children. When I said no, he said, "but you will this year." Strange!

It got me thinking that there was an outside chance for a 'one hit wonder' and all the stories I have heard, and read on TTC boards about people who have been told they were pregnant before they even knew it themselves.

I have written before about the superstitions surrounding TTC and pregnancy. That hasn't stopped me from eagerly reading every story like this I can find and even looking at the Chinese gender prediction calendars each month!

So what other stories of predicted pregnancies have you heard? Share in the comments!

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