Friday, 7 March 2014

Another Witty Title

What a day! What a week!

I have really been out of sorts since having the Implanon removed - apart from my arm hurting and stitches pulling I've just felt really lethargic. Likely not related as there is a bug going around school, just poor timing! Here's the progression of the 'wound' so far, only a few more days till the stitches come out.

I was really anxious about how hubby was going to react to having to 'do the deed' more regularly - we call it 'baby making' to distinguish from the other kinds of 'adult' activities we get up to! The day my Implanon came out he was so worried about hurting me that I practically had to talk him into it - not too much of a problem once he saw I was serious about it!  We are working on the every two to three days theory, as recommended by the doc, and so Sunday night, when it was obvious he wasn't up for it, I reminded him that Monday would be the third day so to be sure to be ready!

Monday night, I could see he was doing everything he could to stay away from the bedroom! Just one more level, just the end of this show, just a bit more browsing... I was getting angrier and angrier, not helping the situation of course. When he finally did come to bed I told him that this couldn't happen again. Not missing the night, of course there would be days that neither of us are up to it, but avoiding the situation. We talked about how this could potentially take a while and that we needed to be totally open and honest with each other if it was getting to be too much. We talked about how babies are made (yes, there are things that grown men don't always know/understand) and all the things the doctor had told us. We talked about work and stress and how it affects us both. We talked about how we both need to be involved as this isn't something I can do by myself! I told him that, more than anything, I need him to tell me as soon as he knows he is out and come to me with an alternative, "Tonight's no good, how about tomorrow morning?" He agreed and we made a date for Tuesday night.

Tuesday, my period arrived. Or, 'Arsenal was playing at home' as we say thanks to the TV show QI. But, because this is all so new, and because his 'boys' needed a clean out, and because there is more to our sexual relationship than just baby making, we went ahead and had ourselves some fun.

Hubby was so cute, and I think a little disappointed, when I told him I had my period. "What does that mean?" he asked. "Does that mean that everything we have done so far is wasted?" I had to laugh to myself, "Everything we have done" consisted of one single baby making session! But told him that yes, unfortunately that means I'm not pregnant. "So, how long do we have to wait to try again?" Adorable.

This also meant, entirely due to hubby raising the conversation, that we spent a good hour or so talking about baby names. This was the first time he had mentioned anything about it, other than to say it wasn't worth talking about. But he was full of ideas and there were a few favourite names that we shared. Unfortunately, as before, it seems that if we are to have a girl she probably wont have a name!

As for me, I'm still enjoying the fact that anything is possible now, that we may actually become parents someday, and that hubby seems to be enjoying the ride with me =]

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