Sunday, 27 April 2014

The Pressure of TTC

It's been a while since my last post. We had the visit from AF, then it was school holidays, and time just flies by!

Right at the moment we are in the middle of our fertile window for this cycle and it seems hubby is not really interested. Overall, we have been intimate a lot more regularly than we have previously. Whereas before TTC we averaged about once a week, we are now sticking to every 2-3 days pretty well. One problem has been that hubby is missing all the other intimate activities we usually get up to, even though I have promised him that between AF and ovulation we can do whatever he likes! He also turned me down twice yesterday, which is another story for another day, but needless to say the hurt is lingering today.

I have also been reading a bit about reactions to pregnancy news from those who are themselves TTC. I know that I am putting myself under pressure to be the first on my mum's side of the family to have a baby, and there have been a whole lot of weddings at work lately and I'm hoping to beat all the new brides to it! I know it sounds silly, but this is the pressure that I am putting on myself.

I've read about people being angry, jealous or upset that others have a relatively easy TTC journey, a couple of months or so, while they have been struggling for years. One comment I even read what directed at someone who had "finally" conceived after two months. While the commenter expressed congratulations, she also felt that the poster didn't really understand what disappointment felt like. It got me thinking.

Hubby and I have only been 'officially' TTC for two months. I have been on BC the whole time we have been married, BUT... I have been waiting since our wedding for this time to come. So while we have only really been trying for a little while, I feel like I have been waiting for 5 years already! The thought of waiting another 12 months makes me feel physically ill.

How long did you try before TTC your first? How did it make you feel to hear others announce their pregnancy while you were still trying? Any advice to share on how to cope?

Monday, 7 April 2014

Coconut Cravings

I absolutely adore the taste of coconut. I use coconut oil in my cooking whenever I can, I love coconut milk in my curries and stir fries, and I LOVE Bounty bars.

On a low carb diet, a Bounty is out of the question. I tried the Atkins brand low carb equivalent and had severe stomach pains, I'm guessing due to the malitol used. I tested it again a week later just to be sure it wasn't a coincidence, I needed my coconut fix!

Today I decided to come up with an alternative. I was looking into making my own low carb condensed milk, but I'm not interested in leaving the house today to buy the ingredients I need, so that will have to wait for another time. I was considering rolling to balls, making a log... but went for the quick, easy option, mini cupcake moulds.

Low Carb Coconut Treats
2c desiccated coconut
1/2c coconut cream (mine had been in the fridge so I just used the solids)
1/4c Natvia (will probably use less next time)

Mix together and divide between moulds, I filled 24 and had enough for 4 or 5 more.

100g Old Gold
2 tbsp coconut oil

Melt together and pour into moulds over top  of coconut mixture.
Refrigerate until set, keep refrigerated.

Totally love these, they're about 3.6g carbs each, with about 1.5g fiber, so... yay! Low carb coconut fix!