Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Week 5 symptom watch

I've actually been feeling rough since about 7dpo, I guess that would be when implantation happened. I woke up in the night with a cold sweat, acute nausea and killer headache.

The headache and the nausea have continued all through last week, but thankfully the nausea has died down to the point where it's just sitting there in the background most of the time. The thing that convinced me I must be pregnant, before I even took a test, was the stuffy nose/sore sinuses and the horrid cold sore I developed at 11dpo.

So this week. The headache is still hanging around, so is the cold sore and the rhinitis. I am really trying not to take any painkillers, so just going with cold cloths, massage, etc. My doctor recommended a safe nasal spray, so I may also give that a go.

I'm also REALLY tired. I'm struggling to make it past 2pm without a nap, one of the luxuries of being on leave from work! I'm pretty much dead to the world again my 9pm, which is a couple of hours earlier than normal.

Unfortunately, also pretty gassy and bloaty which I hate. Makes me feel awkward and uncomfortable, even when trying to sleep. My boobs are pretty uncomfortable too, switching from just feeling heavy to being quite painful to touch.

The nausea isn't too bad. The last two nights I have been up in the middle of the night sure I was going to be sick, but so far have managed to keep it together. I find that eating small meals/snacks throughout the day helps keep it at bay. So far there aren't too many things that are putting me off, although I didn't manage to finish my banana this morning, the texture completely threw me off!

Let's see what next week brings!

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